The Usual Suspects
The Usual Suspects is a 1995 film about a boat that has been destroyed, leaving criminals dead, and the key to this mystery lies with the only survivor and his twisted, convoluted story beginning with five career crooks in a seemingly random police lineup.
Five Criminals . One Line Up . No Coincidence
- Directed by Bryan Singer. Written by Christopher McQuarrie.
Verbal Kint
- What the cops never figured out, and what I know now, was that these men would never break, never lie down, never bend over for anybody. Anybody.
- Oh gee, thanks Dave, bang-up job so far. Extortion, coercion; you'll pardon me if I ask you to kiss my pecker.
- Who is Keyser Söze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Soze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
- You think you can catch Keyser Söze? You think a guy like that comes this close to getting caught, and sticks his head out? If he comes up for anything it'll be to get rid of me. After that... my guess is you'll never hear from him again.
- Keaton: I'm a businessman now.
- Cop: Yeah? What's that, the restaurant business? No. From now on you're in the getting fucked by us business.
- [suspects in a lineup are asked to read a phrase]
- Cop: Number 1, step forward.
- Hockney: Hand me the keys, you fucking cocksucker.
- Cop: Number 2, step forward.
- McManus: Give me the fucking keys, you fucking cocksucking motherfucker. Aaarrrghh.
- Cop: Knock it off. Get back. Number 3, step forward.
- Fenster: [laughing] Hand me the keys, you cocksucker.
- Cop: In English, please?
- Fenster: Excuse me?
- Cop: In English.
- Fenster: Hand me the fucking keys, you cocksucker, what the fuck?
- Cop: I can put you in Queens on the night of the hijacking.
- Hockney: Really? I live in Queens. Did you put that together yourself, Einstein? Got a team of monkeys working around the clock on this?
- Keaton: His name is Verbal. Verbal Kint.
- McManus: Verbal?
- Keaton: Yeah.
- Verbal: Roger, really. People say I talk too much.
- Hockney: Yeah, I was just about to tell you to shut up.
- Kujan: You had a gun, then why didn't you help him? He was your friend!
- Verbal: Because I was afraid, okay? I was afraid.
- Kujan: Afraid of what?
- Verbal: It was Keyser Söze, Agent Kujan. The Devil himself. How do you shoot the Devil in the back? [pause] What if you miss?
- Kujan: Do you believe in him, Verbal?
- Verbal: Keaton always said, "I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of him." Well, I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Soze.
- Smuggler: Will this get me to Staten Island?
- [Hands over an envelope full of cash.]
- Cop: You kidding? This'll get you to Cape Cod.
- Cop: Do you know who I am? Do you people know who the fuck I am?
- [Hockney takes his badge]
- Hockney: We do now, jerk off.
- Stephen Baldwin - Michael McManus
- Gabriel Byrne - Dean Keaton
- Benicio Del Toro - Fred Fenster
- Kevin Pollak - Todd Hockney
- Kevin Spacey - Roger 'Verbal' Kint
- Chazz Palminteri - Dave Kujan, US Customs
- Pete Postlethwaite - Kobayashi
- Suzy Amis - Edie Finneran