Timothee Besset
Timothee Besset is a id Software employee most well known for creating and supporting Linux, as well as some Macintosh, ports of id Software's products. Since Doom 3 he has also been in charge of network code (multiplayer) and various different aspects of game coding for id.
- Most of the network related programming in games has to do with providing a good interactive experience when playing over the internet. This matter is very different from serving web pages. The primary concern there is to handle connection latency, latency fluctuations, packet loss and bandwidth limitations, and pretty much hide all of that from the player's experience.
- Quoted in Brian Boyko, "ID Software Developer Timothee Besset on Network Performance in Games" Network Performance Daily (2007-01-29)
- It seems very odd to me that content would be removed based on an individual’s personal appreciation of relevance. If the article provides useful information and references, it should at least be valued for the efforts of the contributing individuals.
- Quoted in Zachary Slater, "ioquake3 entry deleted from Wikipedia." ioquake3 (2009-03-20)
- I'll be damned if we don't find the time to get Linux builds done.
- Quoted in Michael Larabel, "Good News, id Tech 5 Is Likely Coming To Linux" Phoronix (2009-09-14)
- Releasing Linux versions has always been a matter of higher code quality, good software architecture, and technical interest for the platform.
- Quoted in Maxim Bardin, "id Software and Linux – By TTimo" Linux Gaming News (2009-09-15)