Tom DeLonge
Tom Delonge is the former guitarist and vocalist of and Box Car Racer. He is currently a member of Angels and Airwaves and the re-united blink-182 as of 8th of February 2009.
- I didn’t quit that band because I wanted to. I quit that band because I had to. Because when people give you an ultimatum about your family, what are you going to do? But the problem was no one was being truthful at the time.
- In interview for Absolutepunk.net about quitting his old band Blink-182.
- But really we wanted to do something that was more kind of different than what most punk rock bands are doing right now, where they are all dressing in black and acting pissed or sad or wearing make-up. Its just not what we are into.
- In interview for Absolutepunk.net about his band Angels and Airwaves. (January 2008)
- "I'm going to usher in this entire new culture of the youth, obsessed with the future." — Tom DeLonge