Tom Selleck
Thomas William Selleck is an American actor best known for his starring role on the long-running television show Magnum P.I..
- Why westerns get segregated into a genre in Hollywood, I don't know... It's just good entertainment.
- Interview with American Western Magazine, January 2001
- Blow me a raspberry.
- At the audience of 'The Chevy Chase Show' in 1993 during the presentation of his Worst Supporting Actor 'Razzie' award statuette for his performance as King Ferdinand of Spain in Christopher Columbus: The Discovery.
- I was Planning to Go into Architecture. But when I arrived [to sign up for courses] Architecture was filled up. Acting was right next to it. So I signed up for acting instead.
- televised interview broadcast the day before 'Laguna Heat' was shown on cable TV.
- All I see is people out there who are hungry for more.
- Tom Selleck talking about the public's desire to see more Western films in interview with Taylor Fogarty of American Western Magazine/ReadTheWest.com, January 2003.
- I said I never had much use for one. Never said I didn't know how to use it.
- About revolvers, as Matthew Quigley in Quigley Down Under.
- [about the movie Monte Walsh]: "I just really want people to see this movie and I hope they like it, because to me Monte Walsh probably reflects my sensibilities more than any other I've done in the Western genre. I'm really proud of it and I think it may be the best role I've ever had."
- I don't know if my political opinions ever lost me work, but I know for sure they never got me any.
- I had a fantasy of being a pro baseball player, and I've gotten to play a Major League Baseball player... I loved Westerns as a little kid and I get to do them. I even get to die as an actor and then you just go home and have dinner. It's great. So now, I'm not a candidate, but I play one on TV and I'll be home for dinner.
- If a guy as good and decent with as much grace as Chuck Heston can stand up for an issue that I think is very important, ... then I certainly could stand up and I plan on remaining a life member for life.
- On his membership in the National Rifle Association.
- It's intimidating to play the nominee for president. The little kid inside you says, 'I'm not enough.' I would guess that happens to politicians, too. They go, 'C'mon, who am I kidding? I'm just this guy or this woman...
- It's not that conservatives don't care. We do. We just have different answers than liberals do. It's a difference of the mind, not of the heart.
- I've got nothing against this particular set of candidates, but I do think we're not seeing enough of who they are, ... We're kind of seeing who they and their handlers think we want them to be.
- Popularity is the pocket change of history. The true measure is courage. There will never be another Charlton Heston.
- Son, never throw a punch at a redwood.
- There was a time I could have been mistaken for Burt Reynolds. I had a moustache and so did he. But he was the number one star in the world, so there wasn't really much confusion.