Training Day
Training Day is a 2001 film starring Denzel Washington as Alonzo Harris, a corrupt Los Angeles police officer, and Ethan Hawke as Jake Hoyt, a new recruit looking to become a part of Harris's elite narcotics unit. The entire movie takes place over a single, intense 24-hour period that forever changes the lives of both officers. The movie was written by David Ayer and directed by Antoine Fuqua, both of whom grew up in gang neighborhoods.
Alonzo Harris
- The shit's chess, it ain't checkers!
- To protect the sheep you gotta catch the wolf, and it takes a wolf to catch a wolf.
- King Kong ain't got shit on me!
- What a day what a motherfucking Day...
- Man Up Nigga, Man the Fuck up! Finish that shit.
- You got mad squabbles boy! I saw you put on that choke hold.
- It's not what you know; it's what you can prove.
- You wanna go to jail or you wanna go home?
- [singing] Oh where, oh where has my little Jake gone? Oh where, oh where can he be?
- Fuck him and everybody who looks like him.
- Yeah, yeah... if you need shit done you gotta do it yourself ~(shoots druglord)~
- My nigga!
- Lieutenant's got our back, we know a week before we piss!
- ~limping~ You mothafucker!! You shot me in the ass!!
- You know I'm surgical with this bitch Jake!
- Jigga Jigga yeah yeah
- Yeah, Whatever. Whatever the fuck ever.
- You wanna go to jail or you wanna go home?
- I'm surgical with this shit
- You got a dick. You do have a dick, don't you? OK, the dick lines up straight like that right? To the right of it and to the left of it are pockets, right? In those pockets are money. Look in either one of 'em - pay the bill.
- It's not like I ever held a gun to your head
- Go fetch dog! (howls)
- Three of a kind beats two pair, you fucking dumb truck.
- Alonzo, he's a hothead. Last week in Vegas some Russian starts talking shit and Alonzo he just snapped. Beat his ass to death. Turns out that Russian is a somebody and now Alonzo, he's into the Russians for a million.
- Hoyt: This car is NOT from the motor pool.
- Alonzo Harris: No it's not. Sexy though, isn't it?
- Alonzo Harris: But I don't believe you. You tapped that ass didn't ya. You did! You put her in the back seat- BAM- Code X!
- Hoyt: Nah man, I got a wife.
- Alonzo Harris: You got a dick. You do have a dick, don't you? OK, the dick lines up straight like that right? To the right of it and to the left of it are pockets, right? In those pockets are money. Look in either one of 'em - pay the bill.
- [Alonzo forces Hoyt to smoke the weed.]
- Alonzo Harris: Left that out your service jacket. Yeah, I know you got secrets. Everybody got secrets. Didn't know you liked to get wet, dog.
- Jake Hoyt: What's "wet"?
- Alonzo Harris: Butt-naked. Ill. Sherms. Dust. PCP. Primos. P-Dog. That's what you had. That's what you were smoking, you couldn't taste it?
- Jake Hoyt: No, I've never done it.
- Alonzo Harris: You have now. I haven't, but you have.
- Jake Hoyt: Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Man, I'm gonna get piss-tested, and then I'm gonna get fired!
- Alonzo Harris: Lieutenant's got our back. We know a week before we piss.
- Jake Hoyt: Oh, shit. Shit!
- Alonzo Harris: Boom!
- Jake Hoyt: Why did you do this to me?
- Alonzo Harris: Nobody told you to smoke that thing. You made the decision. Live with your decision. Ain't like I put a gun to your head.
- [Jake leave with Alonzo's pay-off for the Russian Mob.]
- Alonzo: Aww, you motherfuckers. Okay. Alright. I'm putting cases on all you bitches! Huh. You think you can do this shit...Jake! You think you can do this to me?! You motherfuckers will be playing basketball in Pelican Bay when I get finished with you! SHU program, nigga. 23 hour lockdown! I'm the man up in this piece! You'll never see the light of.....who the fuck do you think you're fucking with? I'm the police, I run shit here. You just live here! Yeah, that's right, you better walk away! Go on and walk away...'cause I'm gonna' burn this motherfucker down. King Kong ain't got shit on me! That's right, that's right. Shit, I don't, fuck. I'm winning anyway, I'm winning... I'm winning any motherfucking way. I can't lose. Yeah, you can shoot me, but you can't kill me.
Block quote
- Denzel Washington — Alonzo Harris
- Ethan Hawke — Jake Hoyt