Episode 1 - The $$60,000,000,000 Man
- "To the potty, sir."
- "Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!" (In Japanese, "It's only fun until somebody gets hurt.")
- "Suicide? To tell you the truth, I disapprove of suicide more than anything."
- "So did I work off the doughnuts and the ten double dollars?"
- (bandit fires towards the voice but Vash grabs his gun, fires a smiley-face in a rock and holds him at gunpoint)
- Bandit: Oh, shit!
- Vash: Now, stand real still! You wouldn't want this gun to go off, would you?
- Vash: Uh, would you mind lowering your gun like a good boy?
- Bandit: Forget it!
- Vash: You don't like pain, do you?
- Bandit: I'm used to it!
- Vash: Well, I'll feel sorry for your wife and kids, you'll me 'em cry...
- Bandit: I ain't got no kids and most women find me pretty offensive so I'm single!
- Vash: Sound like a pretty lonely life.
- Bandit: I'm telling you... (turns around) ... you have to die! It would sure make us all very happy if you do!
- Vash: (smiles) Sorry, I don't do requests!
- Bandit Leader: Our fate is being partners. The only possible way he can be happy is when I'm happy!
- Vash: (sarcastic) That's just beautiful!
Episode 2 - Truth of Mistake
- "And I'm known for my bullets never missing their mark. Especially if it's the heart of a beautiful lady. BANG!" ~Vash
- "Ooo scaaary. Later!"
- "You're the easily deceived type who cries himself to sleep every night aren't you."~ Meryl
- "Thanks a lot dream wrecker" ~Vash
- " *snort* SCARRRRYYYYYYYY!"~ Vash
- "Ahh i was so sure it would work out this time She was such a cutie but i guess theres no way it could have worked I don't want to get arrested this one will probably be blamed on me too ahh"
Episode 5 - Hard Puncher
- "I'm like a hunter of Peace, one who chases the elusive mayfly of love... or something like that"
- "Man, why does happen to me, Maman? I haven't done anything wrong but everybody always picks on me, Maman!...But now isn't the time to be bawling in French." [Notices he's been crying on boxers] "AHH!!!" (In the English dub, he says "Why am I crying in French?!")
Episode 7 - B.D.N.
- [Talking about Milly and Meryl's sense of perception that he's actually buying for two.]
- "Geez, those girls are pretty sharp. The big one [Milly] is exceptionally scary. My only salvation is she doesn't know how sharp she is."
Episode 9 - Murder Machine
- :Vash: I am known as Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobella Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andrt Charton-Haymoss Ivanovicci Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser (... the Third- English). (Please - Japanese) Don't hesitate to call-
- Milly: [Laughs.] What are you talking about, Mister Vash the Stampede?
- Wolfwood: Now I can see why the short-haired girl's so pissed off at you all the time! When you're around, everything gets worse!
- Wolfwood: You're the outlaw!
- Vash: What's that got to do with anything?!
- :Wolfwood: So You CAN smile! Seeing Your previous smile so empty was like You were hiding most excrutiating pain behind the mask of smiled face
Episode 10 - Quick Draw
- My name is Vash the Stampede. I have been a hunter of peace who chases the mayfly known as love for many, many moons now. There is no rest for me in my search for peace. I meditate diligently every morning. The subjects are life and love. I quit after 3 seconds.
- [While exchanging gunshots at each other.]
- Vash: So this is what you got me so plastered for yesterday!
- Wolfwood: You really think I'd try something that cheap?!
- Vash: Yeah, I do, after you went and signed me up without asking!
- Wolfwood: You did the same to me!
- Vash: Hey, don't kill them! [Dodges gunfire.]
- Wolfwood: I'm amazed you can say that at a time like this!
- Vash: Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not kill"?!
Episode 11 - Escape from Pain
- Wolfwood: (Thinking to himself while losing at chess) Oh man! Now what am I supposed to do? Should I butt this guy in the head and make a break for it? [gasps] No, no! What am I thinking? I can't do that! I'm a man of God for God's sake!
- Milly: Hey Mister Priest! What a pleasant surprise!
- Wolfwood: Ha! Pleasant.
- Milly: Hey! That happened to be my can of pudding! And you wasted it. [knocks out offenders with her stun gun] You should never get between people and their pudding.
- Townswoman: (to Milly) Gee, young lady, you're enormous! Are you expecting sextuplets?
- Milly: [giggles and turns to Wolfwood] Isn't it lovely today out, honey?
- Wolfwood:[grimaces] Excrutiatingly pleasant, honey.
- Moore: (hiding beneath Milly's duster) I am really sorry about all this.
- Wolfwood: It's all right. Just stay out of sight.
[thugs scuffle by, looking for Moore]
- Wolfwood: (thinking) How did this happen? No matter what I do, I always seem to get into trouble with this girl. [Milly plucks the unlit cigarette from his lips] Hey!
- Milly: Secondhand smoke is bad for the baby, darling.
- Wolfwood:[forcing laughter] Oh, yeah. Gee. Sorry about that, honey
- [Milly and Wolfwood walk away from tent, Milly carrying pudding]
- Milly: Thank you for buying all of these for me Mr Wolfwood!
- Wolfwood: I should be thanking you. You saved my bacon, Chessmaster.
- Milly: I guess I'm good at chess. My big brother used to make me play chess with him all the time.
- Wolfwood: A big brother, huh? Hey, that must be nice. Any other siblings?
- Milly: [Milly holds out her hands, dropping the bags of pudding] No, but there's 10 brothers and sisters!
- Wolfwood: You're the youngest aren't you?
- Milly: Yeah. Wow! How did you know that!?
- Wolfwood: Sometimes the answers just crash down from heaven.
Episode 12 - Diablo
- "The sky is unbelievably blue... There I go again. Guess it's kinda stupid, huh? Still keep thinking how I'd like to show it to you, even though that's no longer possible. I just can't help myself..."
- "The Deadly Dodgeball Head! A simple technique to hold the ball in place with intense suction! Try this at home kids!!"
- "They're dead. People are dead. You killed them all! You killed all the people! Die with them!"
- "I was dreaming, Rem. Everything... Everything was so horribly dry, even peoples' hearts. From far away, as I watched the people who lived there, I always found myself wondering how and why could they possbily keep on living? What motivation did they have that would get up everyday, no matter what, for the rest of their lives??"
- "This is all I can do. If I... If I shot him now, you really would die. It would be wrong to shoot him, right??"
Episode 13 - Vash the Stampede
- "I'm not that trusting. I kept my finger on the trigger the whole time."
- Meryl: (upon seeing Vash's scars for the first time) So those scars...are the price you paid for dealing with your opponents without killing them?
- Vash: It's not exactly... something I like girls to see. They'd run away.
- Meryl: I wouldn't run away... What I mean is, they wouldn't run away.
Episode 14 - Little Arcadia
- (After helping Meryl from afar against the Nebraska family)"That makes us even now for your help on the sandsteamer." *Frame shrinks* "Hey! Is that all the screen time I get?!" *Frame disappears*
Episode 15 - Demons Eye
- "Are we there yet?... ARE WE THERE YET?!?!"
- "You killed them. Even though they did terrible things, the decision of who should and who should not live was never and never will be yours to make!"
- "I already could have killed you three times [buttons burst on Vash's coat]
- "Not to mention, during this conversation, I could have groped you at least five times... Ok, so let's say maybe four times[buttons burst on Dominique's shirt]"
- "What kind of freak are you lady?!"
- "Instead of spending time cleaning up people, you should be cleaning your house for the man you love. Like me for example. I am kidding you know..."
- "It's your job or your life."
- "I can't explain now. If I did, you would be put in danger." *Perks up 200%* "So it's been a lot of fun, but... Well... I guess that's all!!"
- "Legato, this time it's my turn to hunt you. I'll find you, whatever it takes."
Episode 16 - Fifth Moon
- "AW MAN, I ACTUALLY HAVE TO FIGHT THIS GUY!! How can I possibly win such a battle or even have a chance to survive a fight with a guy who smiles with those evil eyes?! The answer is I can't, I'm gonna be slaughtered, that's all. It's not even funny. I should just back out! That's what I should do alright! Yeah, yeah! For once I'm right! Yeah, yeah!"
- "My name is... VASH THE STAMPEDE!! Ladies and gentlemen, excuse the lack of notification, but I'm afraid it's time for my daily massacre! And if you don't believe I'm the real thing then take a long look at me and start freakin' out! Observe the red coat, lovely golden locks, and if you're still having doubts...check out my one-hundred percent accurate gunmanship!"
- "Are you telling me I have only two choices? To die or to let die?!"
- "I haven't seen anything there at all... Except my own fear."
- "Not... the light!"
Episode 17 - Rem Saverem
- "You know, you have me. I won't leave you alone. I promise I won't. Because I really love you, Rem!"
- "I didn't want to kill the spider. I wanted to save them both!"
- "Don't worry, Rem. I will... Take care of him."
- "Is this some sort of Christian magic?"
Episode 18 - Goodbye For Now
- "It's not your right to decide whether they live or die. They deserve a chance!"
- "I have fragmented visions. But more than anything, there's an ache in my heart that tells me I did it."
- "Whenever I do anything, people die."
- "Doesn't seem to matter how far I travel, my destiny is always followed by blood and gunsmoke. The result is always the same every time, mountains of death and debris."
- "'Thou shalt not kill,' remember?! What kind of church man are you anyway??"
- Lina: "I wanted to keep you safe, but it turned out the other way around. I was too weak."
- Vash: "Don't be stupid."
- Lina: "Thank you...I'm sorry."
- Vash: "Those are both my lines."
Episode 19- Hang Fire
- Wolfwood: Are you dissing my beautiful Angelina 2 Vash?!
- Vash: Actually I'm dissing you, not your stupid broken motorcycle!!
- Wolfwood: Come again needle noggin'?
- Vash: Hey who you callin' needle noggin'?
- Wolfwood: I'd say it's pretty damn obvious!
- Vash: [singing] "Total slaughter. Total slaughter. I won't leave a single man alive. La di da de die, Genocide. La di da de dud, An ocean of blood. Let's begin the killing time."
- Wolfwood: "We're nothing like God. Not only are our powers limited, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself."
Episode 23 - Paradise
- Wolfwood: What's wrong?
- Vash: I failed to save another life.
- Wolfwood: Oh well. Every mortal is bound to make a few mistakes. Just be more careful the next time.
- Vash: This isn't something I can accept that easily!
- Wolfwood: Then let it get to you. That is also the mortal way.
Episode 1 - The $$60 Billion Man
- "What do we do?... Duh, we run away. That's what."
- "You know, we didn't come out here to save your sorry butt!"
- "Pretty pathetic hero if you ask me." [about Vash]
Episode 5- Hard Puncher
- "It's actually him. He's for real, the legendary outlaw, Vash the Stampede."
Episode 11 - Escape from Pain
- "All of life's journeys come with meetings, partings, and reunions."
Episode 12 - Diablo
- "Who is he? That's not Vash. That is not the same man. He's walking away. If we let him leave now he'll never come back."
Episode 13 - Vash the Stampede
- "What are you talking about? He wasn't funny, he was down right weird. Milly, no one in the right mind could tell that goofball was him!"
- "And so he finally took his gun into his hand. He pulled the trigger for the first time to save the very people who had tried to kill him."
- "Vash the Stampede. Everytime I observe his actions I can't help sense something hidden deep within him. Something we can't begin to understand. But this much is certain. Everyone who has become involved with him has somehow gained an emotion which was once lost."
- "Who is that man? Can he possibly the real Vash the Stampede? The evil $$60 Billion outlaw with the fire of hell burning in his eyes?"
- "There's so many sides to him. Which is the real side of Vash?"
Epiosde 14 - Little Arcadia
- *Cough* "He's not my boyfriend!!... Stop it! I don't even like him!!" [about Vash]
Episode 16 - Fifth Moon
- "How can you stand there and say such awful things about him?! I mean after all, you have no idea what kind of person he is. I think you're disgusting!" [about rumors concerning Vash]
- "If necessary, we'll follow him to the ends of the earth! It's not only our job, it's become our mission to track him down!"
Episode 19 - Hang Fire
- "But you know what, despite his frightening and awful reputation, Vash turned out to be more than a regular guy than you would have thought."
- "Donuts are his favorite food..."
Milly Thompson =
- "If we can't come with you, we can't do our job! I'll hate you! I'll haunt you and your children and your children's children, too!"
- "You should never get between people and their pudding."
- "Absolutely muffin!"
- "Of course it's heavy. It's full of mercy!"
Nicholas D. Wolfwood =
- "Well I'll be...so you can smile like that."
- “Homma-ni tasuketaa! Oukini!” (Wolfwood’s ’‘wastefully’’ Kansai way of thanking Vash for saving him—Standard Japanese would be “Honto-ni tasuketaa! Arigato!”)
- “She does everything I can’t, like it’s no big deal at all. It’s really irritating.”
(referring to Milly) - “Lord, what the hell am I doing?”
- “I had my suspicions you were no mere mortal, but I had no idea you were actually a cat... Wait a second, what the hell am I saying–where is that idiot?!?”
- “When I look at you, I’m reminded of everything I hate about myself. You know, it hurts.”
- “It’s so heavy because it's filled with mercy!” (speaking of Wolfwood’s Cross Punisher)
- “We're nothing like God. Not only are our powers limited, sometimes we're driven to become the Devil himself.”
- “Don't you tell me, don’t tell me your dreams in a world like this!”
- "Luck and persistence won't work forever."
- "You expect me to become a living target, like you?"
- "I see. So that's how you live. That's how you choose to live. You know what? You really piss me off."
Episode 19 "Hang Fire"
- [Vash and Wolfwood eating spaghetti at restaurant]
- Wolfwood: The more I think about it, I don't want this town to turn into a Little Jersey. Let's take off before it's destroyed.
- [Vash whimpering]
- Wolfwood: KNOCK IT OFF!
- Vash: But doesn't that story get you upset?! Why do things like that have to happen?
- Wolfwood: It's not like it's anything new. This kinda thing happens all the time. Even the peaceful folk will take up arms if someone happens to threaten or kill a family member. Bottom line is, we should go before we get involved in this. [looks up and sees black cat] I had my suspicions that you weren't human, but i never thought you were a cat. WAIT! What the hell am I saying? Where is that idiot?
- Waiter: Sir? All together, you meal comes to $$30.
- Wolfwood: Put it on my tab?
- Waiter: No dice.
Rem Saverem =
- "Our tickets to the future are open."
- "The choices we make in life have unlimited possibilites. All I can do is think about them."
- "No one has the right to take the life of another."
- "The choice of deciding who lives and who dies is not yours and was never yours to make."
- "And if you keep your vision clear you will see the future. What happens in our future is our own responsibility."
Legato Bluesummers =
- (After a bar patron shoots his first one) " A fork, please."
- " Why don't you go ahead? I would welcome this to be my time. After all, there's no reason for such an egocentric, incomplete life like mine to be allowed to continue anyway. Give me the gift of nothingness, give me death."
- " Humans are a total waste of life."
- " Humans. How pathetic."
- " This is not an act of mercy. This is to show you the pain of living..."
- " I intend to eventually destroy all of mankind, right down to the very last speck of dust yet... Why is it that you insist on meeting your death sooner?"
- " Funny isn't it? Everytime you point that gun at me, my arm seems to shake uncontrollably. Maybe it's because it was the very arm that attached your arm to your body."
- " You're different than what I thought. You're funny. And to think I could kill every man, woman, and child here, in the blink of an eye, if I wanted to… The power of death is intoxicating."
- " It's a simple formula. The greater the tragedy, the greater the emotional effect."
- " Master, I will make Vash the Stampede experience eternal pain and suffering."
Millions Knives =
- "I'm just killing the spiders to save the butterflies."
- "The only reason the human race came to posses the capabillity of compassion and sense of moral was because they somehow mistakenly believed themselves to be higher breed of beast. The moment they taste the fears of knowing there is a superior breed, something seems to take control of them everytime and from that point on humans act merely on instinct."
- "If you keep saving butterflies, spiders will starve to death! But...wanting to save both is a contradiction. What would you rather do? Keep deliberating? The butterfly will be eaten in the meantime."
Midvalley the Hornfreak =
- “It’s time to play. Join me on a number, won’t you Vash the Stampede?”
- “I have to accept this as my fate... the destiny of the dying..”
1) The $$60 Billion Man
There's something that cannot be expressed in words, human emotion. Emotions of the heart can't just be tucked away in a closet. But there is a way to know the emotions. Look into the eyes. The girl lied to me, and I believed her. The gentleman lied to me, when I trusted him. But the moment I looked into his eyes, the angel of destiny began to unravel the truth. Just Look into their eyes. There is only one truth.2) Truth of Mistake
Those who make mistakes, blame themselves and close their hearts. It's impossible to fix the mistake, men can't return to the past. That's why they drink. Lushes, drunks; sliding alcohol down their throats to dilute memories that can't be forgotten. Frank Marlon the gunsmith does nothing but drink, and he questions the glass after it is empty, am I wrong? Was I wrong?3) Peace Maker
A past that can't be forgotten and can't be buried. A past which can't even be shaken for just a little time. The sentiment deep inside each of their hearts is strong and equal. For beloved parents, and for a beloved daughter. Two men can only find the answer from behind their triggers. The moment the sentimental bullets flew towards each other, the men stood silent, yet were weeping. The past enslaves.4) Love and Peace
Whenever something is gained, something is always lost. It's difficult to live after something like that. What is lost will never return. Important things, irreplaceable things, but what is needed to keep those things is in the firm will packed into one bullet. Man knows, he knows that nothing will begin unless he speaks, and that nothing will change, unless he moves.5) Hard Puncher
The longer one holds onto a memory, the longer one lives in the past. The deeper the memory they hold on to, the more beautiful the past will become. The beautiful memories will eventually turn into hate. Even if they look ahead, they lose the ability to walk. As long as the heavy chain called Revenge continues to bind the heart, the tears of sadness will continue to flow.6) Lost July
The tragedy endlessly repeated in order to fulfill desires. The lust for conquest making people bend to your will, a thrill intense enough to make you shudder. There is a man who is a slave to that ecstasy, the leader of the Bad Lads, a man who shines: Brilliant Dynamites Neon. The sand steamer will shake the moment the huge dynamos on each of his shoulders start to spark. In the pitch black darkness, the gruesome party begins.7) B.D.N.
People who sin say this, that they had to, to survive. Peoplewho sin say this, that it's too late now to stop. The shadow called Sin
dogs them steadily from behind, silently, without a word. Remorse
and Agony are repeated, only to end up at Despair in the end. But the sinners just don't know, that if they'd only turn around, there is a light there, a light which keeps shining on them ever so warmly. A light that will never fade.
8) And Between the Wasteland and Sky...
I met a lonely man in the desert, the traveling priest, Nicholas D. Wolfwood. He smiled, and then he told me that I’m a troubled man. Faced with his all-seeing smile, there was nothing I could say in my defense. Did I meet this man because I was destined to? Or was it simply by a small jest of God? The man’s name is Nicholas D. Wolfwood, a traveling priest I met in the desert.9) Murder Machine
I think I'd like to do something nice for somebody. I think it's good if you smile at someone and they smile in return. Voluntary love encourages people to create a sense of friendliness. Love that is unconditional gives us respect as people. However, it’s wrong to force love, to try to keep it alive. If the strain goes on, eventually it'll bloom into the flower called Lie, the deceptively thorny flower that hurts people.10) Quick Draw
A choice between two things. A forked road, a crossroad, where men given life must take, in order to stay alive. Whichever end they live on, they lose something. Whichever end they live on, they are unable to find happiness. But are there really only two paths to a forked road? No. There are infinite paths we must take. There is more than one path. There is more than one path to the future.11) Escape From Pain
All people have a sanctuary which must never be touched. A scar of sadness which must never be tread upon. The cooperation formed by the living to realize a dream or achieve an ideal. The man with the white coat told me in a quiet voice that he had finally found me, that he wanted my life. That man smiled a smile deeper than darkness. Legato Bluesummers, a man fascinated by death, only spoke quietly.12) Diablo
[Meryl speaking] Routine report, date July 20th. Two days after the incident cause by a man named Monev. Tension still runs high in the city. The incident made me realize something all over again. It’s an awareness which becomes obscured as I keep regular contact with him, that being, the reason Vash the Stampede is called the Humanoid Typhoon. Why is it that so much trouble falls into this man’s lap?13) Vash The Stampede
If you only face forward, there is something you will miss seeing. It is a virtue to devote one’s self to something, firmly believing in one’s own ideals. But that does not mean it’s all right to belittle the ideals or feelings of others. If you lead such a focused life and you don’t realize how your parents feel, it’s only self-satisfaction. It’s alright to stop every now and again, if you want a moment’s rest, if you want to feel what other people feel.14) Little Arcadia
People judge people, lives are being cut short because of someone’s personal logic. Mothers, fathers, friends, their entire past instantly vanishes into thin air. The question is, should this take place at the whim of one individual. A beautiful woman stood before the corpses of the Rodric Thieves. She told me that she was merely discarding some useless garbage. Dominique the Cyclops, told me just to think of it as, spring cleaning.15) Demons Eye
The fragment of memory lost in the gap between life and death. Is it something which will point the way to spiritual awareness? The silver metallic gun crached open, and my right arm metamorphosed. My past, my people, my mother...the moment I was reunited with everything I had ever protected, the light took Augusta. The Humanoid Typhoon, The $$60 Billion Man, Vash the Stampede. This is the beginning of my past. This is the end of my journey.16) Fifth Moon
[Young Vash speaking] Rem told me that someone she loved died on Earth. She told me she boarded the ship to start over. What does it feel like to have someone you love die? I tried thinking of what it would be like if Rem died. Hot water came out of my eyes, and it wouldn’t stop for a long time. Rem, I’ll always be there for you. I won’t leave you alone.17) Rem Saverem
Let us regard the fifth moon, shining down upon us from the skies, stained red with blood. And let us remember his name, his legend. To do so you only need to look up. Like it or not, his legend is chiseled into the fifth moon. A permanent etching from a terrible past. The legend of Vash the Stampede chiseled, forever, and then the time comes, you only need tell of the tracks, which lead to the future.18) Goodbye For Now
Strong will can stir the heart, but a will too strong can cut off the hearts visibility. The sorrow of a man bewreathed of his family turns to hate, which eventually metamorphoses into the intent to kill. The man’s finger reaches for the trigger. Sins change people. Sin begets sin. But still, I want to believe, I want to believe in the heart, the heart that feels the sin.19) Hang Fire
In times of hardship, in times of sadness, there is a place the traveller can let his mind return to. Home. I still don't know what kind of a past the traveller abandoned, when he left his home behind. I still don't know what kind of a sorrow he bears.But the traveller can keep walking forward, because he has something which sustains him, a place which accepts him. He can walk forward, step by careful step.
20) Flying Ship
There is something you can’t give up. There is something you want to protect. There is a time you must take a stand no matter what kind of pain awaits us. The man clad in the red coat took up his gun once again, in order to stop the sadness, in order to stop the hate. I keep the word of the red geranium which I was taught so long ago. I keep the courage and determination, deep in my heart.21) Out of Time
Self-protection. The means of protecting oneself.People expose their weaknesses, and thus form a group.
Before they know it, they begin to exclude outsiders.
But what becomes of those who have been excluded?
I smiled at the children who lived in a tight group in their rickety house.
Let's live today. Let's live tomorrow. And let's live the day after that...even if it means living in eternal pain.
22) Alternative
To realize a mistake. To not lie. To love one another. To not kill. Those are very simple things, but the times won't allow for them. There is no green on this planet, even though we want it, though we want it so badly. A place where we can live peaceful days, with no wars nor stealing, a sacred place where people can live as people. Yes, there. That place is called...23) Paradise
Repeated tragedies, repeated pain, the wishes of a man are so strong, and yet so frail and weak. To live. To stay alive. Who would have thought that survival would be this hard, this painful? I must choose, I must make the choice, in the moment that intertwines life and death. Can I choose to remain a human?24) Sin
I was dreaming Rem. Everything was so horribly dry there on that planet, even peoples hearts. As I watched the people who lived there from far away, I kept wondering why they went on living, how they kept on living. Rem, listen to me Rem, I went wrong! I went wrong! Tell me, what should I do?25) Live Through
That day, that time, 130 years ago we were born, weren’t we? There was nothing but peaceful days and Rem was always close behind us. But our disagreeing thoughts changed each of our ways of life, didn’t they? I don’t regret it. I vow once again not to kill, not to betray, but to find happiness, to talk about my dreams, because the ticket to the future is always blank.26) Under The Sky So Blue
[Last line of dialogue]Rem...I will continue to believe in you. But from now on, I will look into my own words.