Tristan J. Loo
Tristan J. Loo is an American author and expert on conflict resolution and peace-keeping.
On Peace
On Love
On Forgiveness
On Conflict- "The greatest fighters seldom need to fight at all."
- "Winning without fighting."
- "Force against force rarely accomplishes anything."
- "A young bird who understands the art of flying will still fall without feathers."
- "I might be able to break wood with my bare hands, but what of stone?"
- "Remember that laws have been responsible for the deaths of millions. Look beyond the law for the true intention."
- "Conflict is inevitable in life. Do not run from it--embrace it instead."
On Peace
- "A true master of peace is well versed in the art of war."
- "The instant you call your enemy your partner, the need for war is no longer."
- "My greatest enemy, I call my friend."
- "Two angry neighbors fighting over the tree in the middle of their properties. Two leaders of nations fighting over the territory in the middle. What is the difference?"
- "The greatest invention of peace-keeping is located between your nose and your chin."
On Love
- "He who has never experienced hurt, cannot experience true love."
- "The heart has the tendency to confuse even the smartest of men."
- "I once was in love...and I lost everything because of it."
- "Love is beautiful in its simplicity, yet ugly in its complexity."
- "She did everything for me in my life--even twisted the knife in my back."
On Forgiveness
- "Offer forgiveness not for their sake, but for your own health."
- "If you remain angry at someone, then who is suffering?"
- "The lengths people go to win an apology baffles my mind."
- "If you offer a genuine apology, then where is the incentive to fight?"
- "Healing can only occur once the knife is removed from the back."