Vampire in Brooklyn

Vampire in Brooklyn is a dark comedy about the last vampire trying to find a mate in Brooklyn with Eddie Murphy

Maximillian: [As Preacher] Evil is good!

Maximillian: [after being stabbed in gut] Let me give you an anatomy lesson. This [points] is my stomach. This [points] is my heart. Stomach. Heart. Stomach. Heart.

Maximillian: Interesting. I've been stabbed, and I've been hanged, and I've been burned. Even broken on the rack once, but I've never been shot before. It kind of itches a little.

Julius: [cornered by Maximillian] Hey, yo, man I don't know how you know me, but, uh, everything is everything. I ain't seen nothin', okay? So you can go ahead and just jump right back through the window, man. I won't tell anybody I saw you, 'cause I ain't really seen you! You know I'm blind! I got, like cataracts, I mean, um, contacts. I got astigmatism, man. I can't see; I'm blind. Where you at? Where you at? See, look. Where you at? Huh? Where you at?

Maximillian: Do you like Italian? I make an excellent fusilli.
Rita: Actually, that's my favorite, but I really think I ought to take a rain check.
Maximillian: Oh, there's someone else.
Rita: Not anymore.
Maximillian: Well, if there's no one else, then I would love to have you... for dinner.
Rita: Look here. I'm a cop.
Maximillian: Ah. The police?
Rita: Mmm-hmm, the law. Which means, if you try anything funny, I'll shoot you.
Maximillian: [feigning innocence] Do I look like I would bite you?
Rita: [chuckles] You better not, not after the day I've had.
Maximillian: Can I send my car to pick you up in a half-hour?
Rita: impressed Oooh, a car. Let's make it an hour.
Maximillian: I'll see you then.
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