Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
Vinayak Damodar Savarkar (May 28, 1883 – February 27, 1966) was an Indian revolutionary and Hindu political leader, who is credited with developing an Indian nationalist political ideology he termed Hindutva (Hinduness).
- After all there is throughout this world so far as man is concerned but a single race - the human race, kept alive by one common blood, the human blood. All other talk is at best provisional, a makeshift and only relatively true. (...) Even as it is, not even the aborigines of the Andamans are without some sprinkling of the so-called Aryan blood in their veins and vice-versa. Truly speaking all that one can claim is that one has the blood of all mankind in one’s veins. The fundamental unity of man from pole to pole is true, all else only relatively so.
- (Hindutva, p.90)
- Every person is a Hindu who regards and owns this Bharat Bhumi, this land from the Indus to the seas, as his Fatherland as well as Holyland, i.e. the land of the origin of his religion (…) Consequently the so-called aboriginal or hill tribes also are Hindus: because India is their Fatherland as well as their Holyland of whatever form of religion or worship they follow.
- V.D. Savarkar: Hindu Rashtra Darshan. p.77.
- We yield to none in our love, admiration and respect for the Buddha-the Dharma-the Sangha. They are all ours. Their glories are ours and ours their failures.
- (Hindutva, p.12)