Walk the Line

Walk the Line is a 2005 biographical film about the legendary country singer Johnny Cash, focusing on his younger life, his romance with June Carter, and his ascent to the country music scene.
Directed by James Mangold. Written by Gill Dennis and James Mangold, based on autobiographies by Johnny Cash. Starring Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon.

Love is a burning thing. Tagline


[J.R. turns up the radio.]
Young J.R. Cash: Guess which Carter that is.
Young Jack Cash: I don't know, J.R.
Young J.R. Cash: Guess...
Young Jack Cash: Anita?
Young J.R. Cash: Nope...
Young Jack Cash: Who?
Young J.R. Cash: June.

Young J.R. Cash: How come you're so good?
Young Jack Cash: [laughs] I ain't
Young J.R. Cash: You pick five times more than me.
Young Jack Cash: Well, I'm bigger than you are.
Young J.R. Cash: You know every story in the scripture.
Young Jack Cash: Well, you know every song im mama's hymnal!
Young J.R. Cash: Song are easy.
Young Jack Cash: [laughs] It ain't for me.
Young J.R. Cash: There's more words in the Bible than in the Heavenly Highway Hymns.
Young Jack Cash: Look, J.R., if I'm going to be a preacher one day, I gotta know the Bible from front to back. I mean, you can't help nobody if you can't tell the right story.

Young J.R. Cash: They said that by noon today, it's gonna be a hundred and four.
Ray Cash: Every race station is sayin' that to get them niggers off.
Carrie Cash: Ray, why don't you let J.R. take the babies in?
Ray Cash: I told Roz we'd have a crop today. What do I say if he pulls up here and we're shy? You ready to unload that piano?
Carrie Cash: We're not selling Daddy's piano. And I'm not the one in Bartstown drinkin' every Saturday.
[Ray angrily kicks a can.]
Carrie Cash: [continuing to work, singing] Am I a soldier of the cross, And shall I fear...
Young J.R. Cash: [joining in] ...to own His cause, Or speak to blush His name.

Young Jack Cash: [dying] Do you hear them, J.R.? Do you hear them angels?
Carrie Cash: I can hear them, Jack, they're beautiful. They're so beautiful.

Vivian Cash: John, you can't wear that one, it's black.
Johnny Cash: It's all I have, Vivian.
Vivian Cash: It looks like you're goin' to a funeral.
Johnny Cash: Maybe I am...

[After record producer Sam Phillips stops Cash's band a couple of verses into their audition.]
Sam Phillips: You know exactly what I'm telling you. We've already heard that song a hundred times. Just like that. Just... like... how... you.. sing it.
Johnny Cash: Well, you didn't let us bring it home.
Sam Phillips: Bring... bring it home? All right, let's bring it home. If you was hit by a truck and you was lying out there in that gutter dying, and you had one time to sing one song. Huh? One song that people would remember before you're dirt. One song that would let God know how you felt about your time here on Earth. One song that would sum you up. You tellin' me that's the song you'd sing? That same Jimmy Davis tune we hear on the radio all day, about your peace within, and how it's real, and how you're gonna shout it? Or... would you sing somethin' different. Somethin' real. Somethin' you felt. Cause I'm telling you right now, that's the kind of song that truly saves people. It ain't got nothin' to do with believin' in God, Mr. Cash. It has to do with believin' in yourself.
Johnny Cash: I got a couple of songs I wrote in the Air Force. You got anything against the Air Force?
Sam Phillips: No.
Johnny Cash: I do.

Elvis Presley: You sound real good tonight, Cash. Real tight.
Johnny Cash: Thank you.
Elvis Presley: Want some chilli fries?
Johnny Cash: No, that's alright.

[Vivian talks to Johnny, and points to a bag.]
Vivian Cash: That bag over there are letters from ten to one from girls. Ten to one, and there obscene. Reba's been trying to answer some of them, but half of them ain't even fifteen, and they sending pictures of themselves in bathing suits. Pictures for you to look at while you're doing time at Folsom.

Jerry Lee Lewis: We're all going to hell for the songs we sing. People listen to them, they're going to hell too. God gave us a great big apple, see, and He said don't touch it. He didn't say touch it once in a while; He didn't say take a nibble when you're hungry; He said don't touch it! Don't think about touchin' it, don't sing about touchin' it, don't think about singin' about touchin' it!
June Carter: And what about me Jerry Lee; am I going to hell too?
Jerry Lee Lewis: No, June, you're beautiful.
June Carter: Sleepy is what I am.
Jerry Lee Lewis: [to Johnny] She's making me fall in love with her.

Johnny Cash: Jerry Lee, just sit your ass down. Just sit down. [spots a motel] Looks like we're here.
June Carter: Oh, thank goodness. Get me outta this car with all these boys.

Johnny Cash: It's all right, it just happened.
June Carter: Just happened?
Johnny Cash: Yeah.
June Carter: You wear black 'cause you can't find anything else to wear? You found your sound 'cause you can't play no better? You tried to kiss me because "it just happened"? You should try to take credit for something every once in a while, John.

Elvis Presley: Nice job out there, Cash.
Jerry Lee Lewis: That's right, kiss his ass!
Johnny Cash: Hey, Jerry Lee, does your momma know you're out?
Jerry Lee Lewis: [laughing] She know, Johnny, she knows.

Johnny Cash: See, June, they want to see us together.
June Carter: All right, well, quit that clutchin' on me now and I'll sing with you, but you gotta quit that clutchin' on me.

[Johnny and June on stage before an audience, away from mic.]
June Carter: John, I'm not gonna sing that song, it's inappropriate. I recorded it with my ex-husband, and I'm not gonna sing it.
[Johnny signals to start music.]
Johnny Cash: There's no better way to put it behind you.
June Carter: I'm not gonna do it!
Johnny Cash: June, just sing.
[Johnny and June begin a duet.]

Waylon Jennings: How come you ain't ever tried this kind of pickin', Luther?
[Luther picks a song on his guitar.]
Luther Perkins: Well, Waylon, whatever you're lookin' for, I've already found.

June Carter: There's too many "if"s and "not"s in that sentence.
Johnny Cash: There's only one actually. [shouting] There's only one "if" in that sentence, June! [to Jerry Lee] I-I thought it was a good point... I mean, there is only one.

Johnny Cash: Oh no! We surrender!
June Carter: What was I thinkin'? I must be crazy! Y'all can't walk no line! Y'all gonna blow this tour!
Luther Perkins: We ain't gonna blow the tour, June!
June Carter: I am not gonna be that little dutch boy with my finger in the dam no more!
Johnny Cash: You're lyin' to yourself, June! If you think it's about a tour! This isn't about a tour! This isn't about a song!

Johnny Cash: So, where's your truck driver?
June Carter: Stock car driver. And you'll be happy to know things aren't working out between the two of us.
Johnny Cash: It doesn't make me happy! Well... maybe a little it does.

June Carter: So y'all sit down, squat down or lie down but make yourselves at home 'cause here's the one and only, Mr. Johnny Cash!

[repeated line]
Johnny Cash: Hello, I'm Johnny Cash.

Johnny Cash: June, these are my daughters Rosanne, Tara, and Kathy.
June Carter: Hi. Those are really pretty good ribbons on your dresses.
Vivian Cash: June?
June Cater: Yeah?
Vivian Cash: Steer clear of my children.
Johnny Cash: Viv...
June Carter: I was just saying hello.
Vivian Cash: You heard me.

[June sees Johnny eating peanuts.]
June Carter: Can I have one
Johnny Cash: Yeah.
[Johnny takes a peanut out of the bag and holds it above June's mouth.]
Johnny Cash: Open your mouth...
[June opens her mouth, but Johnny snatches it away and eats it.]
June Carter: John!
Johnny Cash: I'm sorry, I'm sorry... here.
[Johnny takes another peanut out of the bag and holds it over June's mouth.]
Johnny Cash: Open your mouth... Open your mouth...
June Carter: No... I don't trust you...
Johnny Cash: Oh, June, don't say that...
June Carter: I don't...
Johnny Cash: Yes, you do... now open your mouth...
[June opens her mouth, but Johnny snatches away the peanut from her again.]
June Carter: [playfully hits Johnny] John, you are a mean man! You are a mean man, and I knew it... I knew it all along...

Johnny Cash: Tell me you don't love me.
June Carter: I don't love you.
Johnny Cash: [grinning] You're as liar.
June Carter: I guess you ain't got no problems then.

Vivian Cash: Your mama was here. Your daddy too.
Johnny Cash: Oh yeah. And what'd he say?
Vivian Cash: He said now you won't have to work so hard to make people think you've been in jail.

[Johnny comes home from jail, and Rosanne is half asleep.]
Rosanne Cash: Hey, daddy.
Johnny Cash: Hey, baby.
Rosanne Cash: Are you okay?
Johnny Cash: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'll see you in the morning.

Johnny Cash: Marry me, June.
June Carter: Oh please, get up off your knees, you look pathetic.

June Carter: You walked here all the way from Nashville?
Johnny Cash: Yeah, well, walking is good for you...

Johnny Cash: Aw, June, love's more important than the tour.
June Carter: Is that right?
Johnny Cash: Yes, it is.
June Carter: Well, then start loving yourself, so we can go back to work.

Johnny Cash: I'm really glad y'all could be here today, expecially you, daddy, glad you came. Not everybody's here. Jack's not here is he, huh? Where have you been? That's what you said to me, remember? I was twelve years old and he got Jack's bloody clothes, and he says to me "Where have you been?"
Ray Cash: Well, where were you?
Johnny Cash: Where were you?
Ray Cash: I quit drinkin' a long time ago, J.R. What about you, still takin' them pills? They'll kill you, you know?
Johnny Cash: Yeah, well so will a car wreck.
Ray Cash: You're sittin' on a high horse, boy. I never had talent, I did the best I could with what I had. Can you say that? Mister big shot, mister pill poppin' rock star. Who are you to judge, you ain't got nothin', big empty house, nothin', children you don't see, nothin', big ol' expensive tractor stuck in the mud, nothin'.

Maybelle Carter: You should go down there to him, June.
June Carter: Mama?
Maybelle Carter: He's all mixed up.
June Carter: I am not goin' down there, if I go down there...
Maybelle Carter: You're already are down there, honey.

Johnny Cash: You're an angel.
June Carter: No, I'm not.
Johnny Cash: You've been there with me.
June Carter: I had a friend who needed help. You're my friend.
Johnny Cash: But I've done so many bad things.
June Carter: You've done a few, that's true.
Johnny Cash: My daddy's right. It should have been me on that saw. Jack was so good. He would have done so many good things. What have I done? Just hurt everybody I know. I know I've hurt you. I'm nothin'
June Carter: You're not nothin'. You are not nothin'. You are a good man, and God has given you a second chance to make things right, John. This is your chance, honey. This is your chance.

Warden: Mr. Cash? The record company asks you not to play any songs that would remind the prisoners that they are in jail.
Johnny Cash: Do you think they forget?
Warden: Perhaps you and your wife can do another spiritual.
Johnny Cash: She's not my wife, warden. I keep askin' her and she keeps sayin' "no".

[Johnny is performing at Folson Prison.]
Johnny Cash: Now, I want to remind you all that we're still recording live today, so you can't say "hell" and "shit" or anything like that!

Johnny Cash: I think it's about time, June.
June Carter: Time for what?
Johnny Cash: For you and me... to get married.
June Carter: Go to sleep, John.

Johnny Cash: I want to marry you and I'm telling you it's the time.
June Carter: Well I'm telling you with a hundred certainty that it is not the time. It's not about time, it's not the right time, it's not even quarter to the right time.

Johnny Cash: You know what your problem is, June Carter? You are afraid to be in love, you are afraid of losing control. And you know what, June Carter, I think you are afraid of livin' in my big fat shadow.
June Carter: Oh really? Is that what my problem is?
Johnny Cash: Yes.
June Carter: My problem is that it's 2 A.M. My problem in I'm asleep. I'm on a tour bus with eight stinkin' men. Rule number one: Don't propose to a girl on a bus, you got that? Rule number two: Don't tell her it's because you had a bad dream.
Johnny Cash: June?
June Carter: What?
Johnny Cash: Marry me.
[June glares.]
Johnny Cash: Ok... Ok fine... but that's the last time I'm asking.
June Carter: Well, good. I hate reruns.

[Johnny and June are arguing.]
Johnny Cash: You're still not talking to me, June?
June Carter: You're not allowed to speak to me tonight, after that stunt you pulled. The only place you're allowed to speak to me is on stage, do you understand?
Johnny Cash: What did I do?
June Carter: I don't know. Why don't you ask your big fat shadow?
Johnny Cash: Come on, baby.
June Carter: [mocking Johnny] Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby!
[June closes the door in Johnny's face.]

June Carter: [on stage with Johnny] We've got these people all revved up, John. Now c'mon, let's sing Jackson for 'em.
Johnny Cash: You got me all revved up. Now I've asked you forty different ways and it's time you come up with a fresh answer.
June Carter: Please sing.
Johnny Cash: I'm asking you to marry me. I love you, June. Now I know I said and done a lotta things, that I hurt you, but I promise, I'll never do that again. I only want to take care of you. I will not leave you like that dutch boy with your finger in the dam.
[June shakes her head.]
Johnny Cash: June, you're my best friend...[whispers] Marry Me...
June Carter: [quietly] All right.
Johnny Cash: Yeah?
[They kiss and the crowd cheers.]

[last lines]
Johnny Cash: Why don't you tell them about the flood? Tell 'em about how you made a boat out of the front door and got us all out of there. They'll like that.
Carlene Carter: Tell us!
Johnny Cash: Cone on tell 'em. You got to pull the string tight.
Ray Cash: It was 1937; there was a flood...

[last title cards]
Title card: In 1968, "At Folsom Prison" became one of the most popular recordings of all time, outselling the Beatles.
Title card: That same year, John and June married and settled into the lake home in Hendersonville. Two years later, they had a son, John Carter Cash.
Title card: For the next 35 years, they raised their children, recorded music, toured and played the world together.
Title card: June passed in May 2003. Four months later, John followed.

Major cast

  • Joaquin Phoenix: Johnny Cash
  • Reese Witherspoon: June Carter
  • Ginnifer Goodwin: Vivian Cash
  • Robert Patrick: Ray Cash
  • Dallas Roberts: Sam Phillips
  • Larry Bagby: Marshall Grant
  • Dan John Miller: Luther Perkins
  • Shelby Lynne: Carrie Cash
  • Tyler Hilton: Elvis Presley
  • Waylon Payne: Jerry Lee Lewis
  • Shooter Jennings: Waylon Jennings
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