Willie Wilson (minister)

Reverend Willie F. Wilson is an African-American religious leader and politician. He was born in Newport News, Virginia, the United State of America. He graduated from Ohio University and received a Masters degree from Howard University in Washington, D.C.

In 2002 he ran for mayor of Washington against the incumbent Anthony Williams. Wilson has authored three books: The African American Wedding Manual, Releasing the Power Within, The Genius of Jesus Revealed, and How African Religion Changed the American Church.


  • FEAR is False Education Accepted as Reality!

  • Self Reflection: Do you ever find yourself unsatisfied? Thirsty for more? We were created with a thirst for God. Our hearts were made to seek Him. When you are thirsty, it caused you to get up and go after that which will refresh you. If we truly want to live in that kind of fulfillment, we cannot wait until Sunday mornings. We must constantly make it a habit to seek after God’s presence. Do you long for your thirst to be quenched? Dive into His word. Run into His presence. Praise at home all by yourself. Leave the world's distractions behind and be refreshed.

  • Today's Prayer:
    Lord, I thirst for you! And yet I spend my days running to so many other things, and Father, I'm still not satisfied. I want more of You. Give me greater thirsts for your presence and your word. Free me from the distractions around me. And Fill me with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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