Without a Trace

Without a Trace is a television show about the Missing Persons Squad of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Pilot [1.1]

Jack: As you all know, we have a new member of the team joining us today—Martin Fitzgerald. Let's make sure we give him the frosty welcome that all rookies deserve.

Danny: Two years working white-collar in Seattle and he gets this assignment?
Samantha: Doesn't hurt to be Victor Fitzgerald's kid.
Danny: Mmm. No wonder he's smiling.
Samantha: Not a bad smile, either.

Jack: I was surprised that your father didn't call me about you.
Martin: I asked him to stay out of it. I don't want any preferential treatment.
Jack: Good, 'cause you're not getting any.

Martin: I think he's sleeping with her. The way he talks about her and she's climbing that corporate ladder pretty quick.
Jack: He may be in love with her, but he's not sleeping with her. Never even thought about it.
[Martin shoots a questioning look at Jack.]
Jack: He's gay.
Martin: What, because he called her a 'fireball'?
Jack: No, 'cause he was checking you out.

[The team is watching a surveillance video.]
Vivian: What time was that taken?
Danny: 2:32 A.M.
Vivian: Where's she going?
Danny: Maybe it's a booty call.
Samantha: Your mind is always in the gutter. There was no call.
Danny: Tom Wilkins, 11:48.
Martin: In my experience, there's usually not a three-hour lag between the call and the, uh…delivery.

Jack: Hey, Frankie. How you doing?
Frankie: Ah, bum knee, too much alimony…Other than that, I'm peachy.

Birthday Boy [1.2]

Danny: This would have never happened at Shea.
Vivian: It's so sad how bitter Mets fans are.

Martin: So, you want me here?
Jack: Break major protocol on the first day, that's what happens.
[Jack leaves.]
Martin: How long does it take to get out of his dog house?
Danny: Depends on the dog.
[Danny leaves.]
Samantha: Don't mind Danny. He's just, uh, marking his territory.

Jack: Look, I've worked hundreds of these cases and certain patters develop. Now, I may not like the pattern, but I can't ignore them. You want to know what those patterns are? When a child goes missing, whoever claims to have seen them last is usually the one that took them; and if that person happens to be one of the parents, the incidence doubles. Now my gut says you're okay, but I don't know you. I'm trying to get to know you so that I can help you, but I can't help you unless you earn my trust.

[Martin has been fielding calls about the team's latest case, and marking locations on a map.]
Samantha: Lots of little red dots.
Martin: Phone's ringing every 15 seconds. Must be a lot of little brown-haired kids unaccounted for. Look, I know people are trying to be helpful but…for example, this lady? She keeps calling me. She's convinced that she saw Gabe on T.V. this morning ringing the bell to open the stock exchange.
Samantha: Trouble is, just when you think you've got every nutcase in America calling your number that's the exact moment you get a live one.
Martin: Well, one better come in soon, 'cause I'm running out of push-pins.

[Martin has just tackled a suspect, and they have both landed in a pond.]
Jack: Where did you learn that? White collar?
Martin: No, sixth grade swim class.

Samantha: Heard you got a little wet.
Martin: Beats sweating my ass off in the doghouse.

He Saw, She Saw [1.3]

Martin: So I've got three composites on our suspect.
Samantha: White, maybe not white. Brown-haired or balding. Bearded man with a mustache.
Danny: You got to love eyewitnesses. Me, I'll take an old-fashioned grainy security video any day of the week.

Jack: Well, the wife goes missing, the husband's the last one to see her. We don't need to talk about those percentages, do we?
Vivian: I love the way your brain works. Always goes to the darkside.

Samantha: He's in love with her.
Jack: Probably.
Samantha: Think Duncan knows?
Jack: Probably.
Samantha: Maybe a safe place for her to land. He's familiar. He's got just as much to lose as she does.
Jack: I don't know. She lost a child. If she was looking for an escape, she probably picked somebody that was completely separate from her real life.
Samantha: Is that from your infidelity handbook?
Jack: Chapter three.
Samantha: Well, I hate to contradict the book, but if you're wrong, it leaves Duncan plenty of motive.

Jeff Blye: Agent Malone, I would like it to be noted that my client is cooperating fully in this investigation.
Jack: Apart from hiding every crucial piece of information your client has been very cooperative and we'll be sure to make a note of that.

Between the Cracks [1.4]

[Samantha is looking through Eve's modeling photos.]
Samantha: Eve Cleary as J-Lo. Eve Cleary as Britney. Who the hell are we looking for?

[Danny and Martin are discussing the condition of an apartment.]
Danny: Here's what eighteen hundred gets you in the city.
Martin: Aw, come on, they can't all be this bad.
Danny: You're right—most of the time the bathtub's in the kitchen.

Jack: Well, it's a big city out there. I think if you grow up here, you take it for granted.
Vivian: You're right.
Jack: Wonder how many girls are all like Eve? They come to this town full of hope but really, they're just these tiny pebbles that get thrown into a lake so big they barely leave a ripple. You know, it's amazing. Chet Collins is so desperate to find out anything about his son, but we can't find one person who noticed Eve was missing.
Vivian: Jack, about Chet Collins—I don't think you should give up.
Jack: Sometimes I wish I could.
Vivian: No, you don't. You're a hope junkie, like the rest of us.

Jack: Trevor Haines is a con artist. He read about your son's case on-line. He memorized some details and he made up the rest. He's done it before, Chet. Several times. I'm truly sorry.
Chet Collins: Feels like drowning, Jack…like drowning so slowly you don't even realize what's happening. Well, I-I have to go. I can't let Sean go, but…you know, each time…each time I'm scared that I might not be able to hang on.
Jack: You can hang on to me.

Suspect [1.5]

Judge Adderley: Gentlemen, I got to tell you, this guy Spaulding sounds like real scum. I hope you can put him away for the rest of his miserable life and I'll be glad to help you do that…as soon as you appear before me with constitutionally-obtained evidence. Now, just so you understand Agents Taylor and Malone, you may not enter a house without a search warrant under the flimsiest of exigent circumstances and then bootstrap that questionable entry into a fishing expedition for other evidence. [to Danny] And you, son—you had no right to continue the search after finding that dog. You had no right to open the photo album and you certainly had no right to remove it from the premises. And you have absolutely no right to an arrest warrant based on the photographs found therein. Make sense?

Jack: I meant what I said before, Graham. You care about these kids. That's why you took Andy under your wing. He was confused, vulnerable. You were the only one who understood him.
Graham Spaulding: Is that right?
Jack: I think so. But then he turned on you, didn't he? I know how that feels. Know how…painful that can be. You pour yourself into someone—your time, energy, and devotion. You give them everything they need to grow and then they just abandon you.
Graham Spaulding: Are you speaking from experience?
Jack: Sure. You love someone…you make love to someone…you give your life to them and then they don't even look at you.

Jack: I know about the other boy.
Graham Spaulding: What other boy?
Jack: This kid. The young, scrawny, frightened, lonely kid. The kid who only wanted love and approval. I know his pain. I know that boy.
Graham Spaulding: Do you?
Jack: Yes. I do. And I know that you want to put that boy out of his misery. You know, Graham, your father wasn't a strong man. He wasn't supportive man. He was a weak, cowardly, sadistic bastard. I know he used to touch you and I know you used to beg him to stop.
Graham Spaulding: You believe whatever you want. You don't know anything about my father.

Jack: You know, I've been giving something a lot of thought. It's occurred to me that…in some ways, I envy you.
Graham Spaulding: You envy me?
Jack: Yes. The power…that you have with those boys—what that must feel like.
Graham Spaulding: What boys?
Jack: Andy, Eric Lipinski, Robert Griffith. I know there have been others.
Graham Spaulding: There have been many.
Jack: Do me a favor, Graham. Tell me what it's like…the moment that you take them out. Tell me. You can see the terror in their eyes, right? You can feel their hearts racing. You can feel the cold sweat under your hands just before you stick the needle in. It must be such a rush. Martin, put the CD in.
[Martin plays the CD; Moby's "One of These Mornings" begins playing.]
Jack: Andy made this CD for Phoebe. He wanted her to think about him when he wasn't there. Is that what you wanted? Is that why you stole it? You wanted to think about him. Is it what you two listened to when you were together?
Graham Spaulding: No.
Jack: No, that's right, that's right. That's right, you never got a chance. You never got a chance to go back to him because he's still out there. He's waiting. It must be hard. It must be hard knowing that he's out there…waiting. The touch of his skin, the feel of him under you. I understand you, Graham, I do. I've been to that school. I've seen those beautiful boys. Their beautiful bodies…to hold all that innocence in your arms…to take…the power. It must be really frustrating knowing that Andy is out there waiting for you…waiting…waiting…waiting and you can't get back to him. You can't be with him one last time. But I tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to give you fifteen minutes with him, if you tell me where he is.
Graham Spaulding: You'd do that?
Jack: I'll give you fifteen minutes with him…alone. You can do whatever you want.
Graham Spaulding: Fifteen minutes.
Jack: Whatever you want.

[They find Andy]
Graham Spaulding: Agent Malone, do I get my fifteen minutes now?
Jack: Your fifteen minutes are over.

[Jack throws up after he walks away from Spalding]

Silent Partner [1.6]

[Talking to the stepson of a missing person]:
Danny: You know what I used to do when I was your age and I missed someone?
Robert: What?
Danny:: I used to lay in my bed at night and I used to look out the window and I'd stare up at the sky and I would name each of the stars after someone that I missed. So whenever I felt lonely, I'd look up at the sky and I'd see Daniella, Erica and Andrea right there. It made it a little better.

Katherine: I know everything. I know about your California whore.
Patrick: Katherine, calm down.
Katherine: Calm down? You have been lying to me for two years. Every day for two years. How could you do this to me? To Father?

Jack: Five A.M.—Danny's up early.
Samantha: That's assuming he went to bed.

Jack: Great. Martin, you're on your way to San Diego to liaise with Danny.
Vivian: [to Martin] Don't forget your surf gear.
[Martin leaves.]
Vivian: Should we send a referee?
Jack: Nah, let 'em duke it out.

Jack: The boys just called from San Diego. Patrick hasn't lived in that corporate apartment for months.
Vivian: There's no hotel charges on his credit card statements.
Jack: Well, Mr. Brooks Brothers's not living out of his car.
Vivian: That's just it. He's only Mr. Brooks Brothers on the east coast. New York, he's Noble, Ralph Lauren, Tiffany's; but in San Diego, it's Denny's and discount outlets.
Jack: Two lives.

Danny: Somewhere far, far away, Martha Stewart weeps. Looks like our boy Patrick went to the mattresses.
[They knock on a door. A woman answers]
Danny: Hi. Sorry to bother you. We're with the FBI.
Martin: [holding up a photo] Have you seen this man before?
Amalia Kent: Yes. This is my husband.

Danny: A plane is not supposed to be in the sky. It's not natural.
Martin: Neither was that flight attendant and you weren't afraid of her.

In Extremis [1.9]

Martin: Look, profiles aren't flawless but they exist for a reason. I mean, come on, we use them everyday.
Samantha: Oh, look, pediatrics. Maybe he's a pedophile too.

Midnight Sun [1.10]

Jack: So what are you thinking?
Danny: He's got an ex-con working for him. Maybe this whole Laundromat, dry-cleaner thing is a front.
Jack: For what?
Danny: I don't know. Drugs, diamonds…illegal ferrets…

Underground Railroad [1.12]

[Danny and Martin are watching a hospital surveillance video.]
Danny: We have a doctor, a man in a wheelchair, a pregnant woman that's not her…a fat guy in a robe, a nurse…
Martin: Is it important that you narrate?
Danny: You know, I'm sorry, I forgot…you can't think and listen at the same time, and…
Martin: That's pretty good for someone who can't think without speaking.

The Friendly Skies [1.14]

Martin: She's having guy troubles, blows off her job, heads out for a night on the town. And that bar is a major pick up place.
Vivian: How would you know?
Martin: I hear things.

Martin: [Talking about Samantha and Eric Keller] Is there something going on between those two?
Danny: Used to be.
Martin: Really? That's her type, huh?
Danny: Hey, are you jealous?
Martin: Jealous? What, are you crazy?
Danny: Okay. Guess I'm crazy.

Samantha: You think it's easy being surrounded by guys with guns all day?
Martin: I thought you liked guys with guns.
Samantha: I like the guns.

Martin: Samantha…you, uh, you got time to grab a drink?
Samantha: Oh, I've…I—I told Keller I'd meet him. But, I mean, you're welcome to come with us if…
Martin: No, no, that's all right. No, you guys go ahead. Thanks.
Samantha: Okay, well, maybe some other time?
Martin: Yeah, some other time.

Danny: Morning, hot stuff.
Samantha: Good morning to you. Late night last night?
Danny: A man's got to do.
Samantha: Yeah? Who's the lucky?
Danny: I don't kiss and tell, you know that.

Martin: You and, uh, "Delia"—fuzzy boundaries.
Samantha: Well, that's how I like my relationships—nice and complicated.

There Goes the Bride [1.15]

[Jack is talking to an auctioneer after his daughter-in-law's kidnapping.]
Jack: Why didn't you contact us when you got the call?
Mr. Beckworth: They said that they would kill her
Jack: And you thought your extensive knowledge of selling Ming vases would help you prevent that?

Martin: I guess love is blind. And deaf. And very, very dumb.
Jack: Spoken like a true romantic.
Martin: What? You going to tell me you still buy into it?
Jack: Sure, marriage, kids, the whole nine yards. [Martin looks skeptical] I didn't say I was good at it. I just said I was a fan.

Clare de Lune [1.16]

Danny: I can understand why you want to be alone. It's nice here. Clare, I understand why you feel the way you do. I lost both my parents when I was eleven. We were driving somewhere and they were fighting. My dad was yelling at my mom. He used to like to yell at my mom. I wanted him to stop, so I said something. Then he turned around, and he yelled at me. That's when the car started to swerve. I never told anybody that. Ever. And I know what it's like to keep a secret. I didn't mean to do anything wrong that day. I was just a kid…

Kam Li [1.17]

Martin: Hi, dad.
Victor Fitzgerald: So how's my boy doing? They giving him a hard time because of his old man?
Jack: I don't know, are we?
Martin: Constantly.

[Martin's father has just made a brusque exit.]
Jack: Didn't even wait for me to say, "Yes, sir."
Martin: He never does.

The Source [1.18]

Jack: Who the hell's Hilary Duff?
Maria: Her, um…latest obsession.

Victory for Humanity [1.19]

Martin: Why is it that no one in a walkup ever lives on the first two floors?
Danny: Vampires.
Martin: Really?
Danny: Yeah, they have all the lower apartments all to themselves.
Martin: No direct sunlight, right?
Danny: Exactly. Plus, they live to be 106 years old, so the apartments never turn around.
Martin: Oh, that's good to know.

No Mas [1.20]

Danny: [to a suspect] That's 100 points for lying to a federal officer.
Samantha: Don't stop now, you almost have enough for the dinette set.

Danny: I gotta tell you, I don't understand why anyone would come all the way out here just to get in shape. I got 19 gyms a block away from my apartment…
Samantha: You also have three Gentleman's Clubs within walking distance.
Danny: Yes. I like a little variety in my workout.

Samantha: You train every waking hour, you get beat in the head for a living, all the money you win gets stolen by some corrupt manager, and the benefits are what? Getting to wear satin shorts to work?
Danny: Don't knock it 'til you try it.

Vivian: Buying a dream house, talking about starting a family… Doesn't sound like a guy who was planning to run.
Martin: Want to know the part I heard? This guy felt trapped by his life and he wanted a clean start.
Viv: You sound pretty convinced.
Martin: Just speaking from experience.

Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been? [1.21]

Danny: How did he find out that I roughed up Radio, huh?
Martin: I didn't say a word about that.
Danny: Right.
Martin: Oh, come on, Danny, you only bragged to half the office about it. How the hell do you think he heard?

Danny: Good luck, man.
Martin: Thanks.
Danny: Martin…
[Martin turns around.]
Danny: When this is all over, and you and I are looking for our next gig, I just want you to know that I—I think we make a hell of a team.
Martin: What, selling shoes?
Danny: Shoes, boots, pumps, whatever.
Martin: Sounds good to me.

Fall Out (Part 1) [1.22]

[Barry Mashburn is keeping several people, including Sam, hostage in a bookstore.]
Barry Mashburn: No one's hurt. [pauses] Yet.

Paula Van Doren: You have your rope, Jack. Don't hang yourself.

Jack: You don't want to hurt anyone Barry, because if you do, that's when things are going to get difficult.
Barry: Oh, yeah, well, things are really peachy right now.

Fall Out (Part 2) [1.23]

[Jack approaches the bookstore where the hostages are being held.]
Jack: Barry!
[Barry drags a hostage to the window and looks out. He and Jack call to one another]
Jack: Come to the door. I want to talk to you! Come on Barry, open the door. Open the door, I want to talk!
Barry: Who the hell are you?
Jack: I'm the guy you've been talking to [shows badge] Jack Malone, FBI.
Barry: Well, what do you want?
Jack: I want to come in.
Barry: No way!
Jack: Yeah, yeah, come on, let me in. Look, I got nothing, alright, Nothing! [He takes off his jacket] Nothing! No gun, I'm not wired...[shows] Nothing, see? [yells] Nothing!
Barry: What do you want?
Jack: I want Samantha!
Barry: And why should I give her to you?
Jack: [Shouts] Because she's bleeding to death... and I know you're not a murderer!
Barry: Well... what do I get in return?
Jack: Me. You get me.

Barry: [Quietly] I got nothing to lose, Jack. You want to keep talking? Right?

[Barry puts his gun to Jack's forehead]
Barry: How about that? You feeling something now?

[Martin is on the phone with Jack, who is inside a bookstore with a suspect.]
Martin: I'll take care of it.
[Martin hangs up the phone and turns to the other agents.]
Martin: Jack wants us to send in a pizza.

The Bus [2.1]

Samantha: Do yourself a favor: don't get shot. It's not all it's cracked up to be.
Martin: I'll try my best.

Samantha: The kids are alright?
Martin: That's what Roger Daltry says.

Samantha: You know how you said we should get a drink sometime?
Martin: Yeah.
Samantha: I could really use a drink.
Martin: Well, nothing worse than a beautiful woman drinking alone.

[Vivian and Danny are watching Jack make a ransom drop.]
Vivian: Well, he certainly looks as if he's old enough to have teenage kids.
Danny: Definitely having a hard time with that bag.
Vivian: He says he's been working out. I guess $5 million bucks weighs a lot.

Martin: He's probably just protecting his kids.
Samantha: Yeah, remind me not to have any.
Martin: They don't all turn out to be psychopathic kidnappers, you know.
Samantha: Let me guess—2.2, white picket fence, golden retriever.
Martin: Yeah, maybe. Something like that.
Samantha: Not for me. Not in this world.

Revelations [2.2]

Martin: This guy's an ex-con.
Danny: What?
[Martin holds out a box for Danny.]
Martin: Prison art.
Danny: What, did you do a nickel at Pelican Bay? 'Cause if you did, I'm going to be a whole lot nicer to you.

Confidence [2.3]

Lucas Vohland:[To Martin, regarding Samantha] Is this your girlfriend?
Samantha: I'm his partner.
Lucas Vohland: You're a lot better looking than his last one.

Samantha: [regarding a golf cart] I'm driving.
Martin: No, I've seen you drive.
Samantha: I'm driving.
Martin: [grumbles] Oh, where's the airbag?

Jack: Smells like a brewery in here.
Martin: Yeah, you noticed?
Danny: What, is he still drunk?
Martin: Nah, he's just fairly hung over.

Prodigy [2.4]

[A talented young violinist disappears]
Vivian: If I have to look at one more bearded, 40ish, scary-looking Russian guy I'm going to blow my brains out.

Moving On [2.9]

Samantha: I mean, this woman spends less than I do.
Martin: You need to get out more often.
Samantha: Yeah, don't remind me.

Exposure [2.11]

[Jack confronts Vivian about the Reyes shooting]
Jack: The report came back. [pauses] It cleared you both of any wrongdoing.

[Vivian remains still]
Jack: Vivian, I like working with you. But don't you ever lie to me again.

Risen [2.16]

Jack: So we have sex addiction combined with a simulated rape fetish. Then I've got to believe that somebody messed with this kid somewhere down the line. Father, brother, uncle, someone.

Two Families [2.21]

Andrea Wilson: [about the relatives of the murdered couple] I don't judge them any more. They're caught up in all this. Just like we are.

Sam: Do you think Ricky is innocent?
Deames: I don't think he got a fair trial
Sam: That's not what I asked you.
Deames: I know.

Sam: I've known some people who've done things, things I've seen them do, that make me believe they deserve to die.
Deames: Okay, let's say these people do exist. Do you really want to be responsible for deciding, out of all of these criminals, who lives and who dies? Trouble is, nobody asked you. Because in this state, it's the Law that decides. It's the police officers and the district attorneys and the judges and they're human. When they're biased or corrupt or just lazy mistakes are made and people will die. And some of those people will be innocent.

[both are silent]
Deames: I can see you have more faith in the system than I do.
Sam: Guess so.

[As they are walking down Death Row]
Guard: They transfer them here a week before execution. After that, no letters, cards or phone calls. 24 hour suicide watch.
Danny: Suicide watch? No kidding.

Jack: Your state's about to execute someone. What's wrong with a little attention?

Lost & Found [2.23]

[Jack Malone and Samantha Spade awkwardly discuss his departure, and their old relationship. They speak quietly.]
Sam: In another world, maybe....
Jack: Maybe...

[There is a long pause.]
Jack: I'm sorry if I ever hurt you.
Sam:[pauses] Me too.

Martin: Yeah. Well, I guess old feelings die hard.
Samantha: They don't die. They just fade, and then you feel bad that they faded…because you wonder…you wonder what they meant when you had them.
Martin: Well, I guess if they didn't fade, there…there wouldn't be room for new ones.
Samantha: No, I guess there wouldn't.

Bait [2.24]

Samantha: Damn, you are good.
Martin:[smiles] You just noticed?

Martin: I'd like to say that you're smarter than you looked but then I'd be lying.

Sam: Hey Martin?
Martin: Yeah?
Sam: Wanna share a cab?
Martin:[gesturing in the opposite direction] I live uptown.
Sam: Yeah, I know.

In the Dark [3.1]

Samantha: Well, you just got your head handed to you.
Martin: Wouldn't be the first time.
Samantha: I guess some things around here won't change to much, huh?
Martin: I was thinking some things will though.
Samantha:What do you mean?
Martin: I mean you and me....We sort of got interrupted this morning.
Samantha: Yeah, we did.
Martin: I'll walk out ahead of you.

Light Years [3.3]

[Martin and Samantha are interviewing an alien enthusiast.]
Duncan: You're not, like, men in black?
Samantha: The movie?
Martin: You mean the government-alien conspiracy?
Samantha: [to Martin] Wait, what conspiracy?
Martin: Well, it's basically a pact between the gray aliens and the secret rebel faction of the government intent on destroying the human race.
Samantha: [amused] Really?
Martin: [serious] Yes.

Duncan: You're like the real Mulder and Scully, right? I mean, that's it, isn't it?
Martin: Yeah, that's us.
Duncan: Yes!

Samantha: Wow, you should be in law enforcement.
Martin: I hear the hours are terrible.
Samantha: Yeah, but the benefits are pretty good.

Martin: My guess is that Teddy thinks it's an alien implant.
Samantha: An implant?
Martin: Yeah, it's a common fear among abductees that aliens implant them with a device of some kind in order to track their whereabouts.
Samantha: What, so they can re-abduct them?
Martin: Or read their minds. Control them remotely. There's a bunch of different theories. Look if Teddy fears that he has an implant, the run-in with the so-called men in black could only make things worse.
Jack: You seem to have quite extensive knowledge on the subject.
Martin: I might have done some reading.

Martin: [to Sam] So Scully, you done yet?
Samantha: I've still got about another half hour here.
Martin: Oookay. [smiles]
Samantha: You know, I still haven't seen your apartment.
Martin: No, you haven't. [both nod]
Samantha: Hmmm, so i'll come by later.
Martin: Good idea.

American Goddess [3.5]

Martin: This girl is so desperate to be loved. Before American Goddess she was invisible. Now she's a celebrity.
Vivian: Yeah, for fifteen minutes.
Martin: That's true but the point is, guys are probably hitting on her all the time now. She's got zero experience. Some scumbag buys her a drink, she's going to think she's hit the lotto.
Vivian: So we're looking for a scumbag in New York City.

Danny: This girl takes Fit and Thin.
Samantha: So?
Danny: Well, Fit and Thin equals high maintenance. It usually comes with a cat, a fat best friend and a daddy complex.
Samantha: Your compassion is overwhelming.

Nickel & Dimed - Part 1 [3.6]

Martin: This case is really getting to you.
Samantha: Yeah.
Martin: Is it the kid?
Samantha: It's all of it.

Nickel & Dimed - Part 2 [3.7]

Martin: You okay?
Samantha: I'm tired, but that's the good thing about not having a TV or a cell phone. Nothing to stop me from going to bed early.
Martin: Yeah, I've been getting a lot of sleep too.

Doppleganger Part 2 [3.8]

Alexander Olczyk: What is it with you people? If Malone told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?
Sam: Probably, sir.

Malone v. Malone [3.10]

Jack: It's no different than the chances of you getting hit by a bus when you walk out of this building.
Maria's Lawyer: So you're not concerned.
Jack: That you could get hit by a bus, not really.

Neither Rain Nor Sleet [3.14]

Danny: So you and Marty seem…well, you seem something.
Samantha: Yeah, we are.
Danny: That's good. It is good Sam. Why are you hiding it?

Samantha: You wanna tell everyone, don't you?
Martin: Look, Sam, you already know how I feel, and now Danny's asking. But this probably isn't the best time to talk about it.
Samantha: Fine, we won't talk about it.

Party Girl [3.15]

Martin: You know we could make a sex tape, post it online here, and you wouldn't have to tell anybody about us.
Samantha: That's cute.
Martin: Think about it.

Manhunt [3.16]

Samantha: I am a woman whose slept with two men on the same team. If people find that out…
Martin: Oh, is that all we're doing? Just sleeping together?

Lone Star [3.17]

Danny: You know, Martin. I see you and Sam in a place just like this one.
Danny: I do. Barbequing out back with the kids, Uncle Danny coming over to shoot some hoops.
Martin: I've seen your hook shot, you better start working on it now.
Danny: I'm unstoppable and you know it.

[Martin is going through some files and eating a sandwich when Danny walks up to his desk.]
Martin: It's about time. I saved you half.
[Danny takes a bite out of the sandwich.]
Martin: I was talking about the files.
Danny: Do you mind?

Off the Tracks [3.21]

Jack: Man, you look wired.
Danny: Wired? Wired is better than tired!

Danny: One minute I wanted to be a lawyer, the next minute I needed one.

John Michaels [3.22]

[A pimp taunts John Michael about his daughter]
Freddie Katan: I don't know if you banged her, beat her, or just weren't there. She's mine because of you.

Showdown [4.1]

[Martin is unconscious in a hospital bed.]
Samantha: I'm sorry I didn't come to see you sooner. I, ah, I guess I was scared to see you like...like this. I want you to know that I know that I haven't been very good about…being there for you. But I'm here now. And…I'm not going anywhere until I know you're alright.

Victor Fitzgerald: Was it a good shoot?
Jack: There's no such thing.

[Paige Hobson has shot the Makeban leader General Gamba, whose head of security killed her pregnant friend.]
Paige Hobson: Adisa says there's a moment that makes people take action. I guess that was my moment.

Safe [4.2]

[Samantha and Vivian are talking about a suspect.]
Vivian: Wounded and cunning. Dangerous combination.
Samantha: Yeah.
[Martin, using a cane, walks over.]
Martin: Talking about me?

From the Ashes [4.3]

Samantha: Listen. This is going to take time, okay? Why don't you just stop trying to fight it?
Martin: Does that advice come with a cookie?

Viuda Negra [4.6]

[Jack and Danny go to mexico to investigate a kidnapping.]
Danny: Man, do they love the american dollar here
Jack: Yeah, just like north of the border.

[Jack describes to a woman how he thinks she orchestrated her husband's kidnapping.]
Lucy Costa: That's quite the imagination you have.
Jack: Lady, even I couldn't make this stuff up.

A Day in the Life [4.8]

Larry Hopkins: Things you see must be beyond imagining.
Martin: No. People can imagine them. That's how they happen.

Freefall [4.9]

Elena Delgado: All roads lead to... a P.O box.

[Jack talks to a homeless woman who may have witnessed their missing person.]
Jack: Did you see anything?
[She stares blankly]
Jack: Here's twenty bucks; did you see anything?
woman: Yeeah...

[to injured Max Cassidy]
Jack: Shut up and relax

[The team has found their missing person, a friend of Jack's, gravely injured in a warehouse filled with chemical weaponry, the use of which he was trying to prevent.]
Danny: We've secured the building and took out Simmons, but we also found the the chemical they were going to spray at the convention- there's a lot of it. We need to clear out.
Jack: [quietly] I'm not leaving.
Danny: Jack, we need to go. Once this place is safe we can get help for Max.
Jack: [Jack has been crying.] I'm not. Going. Anywhere.

When Darkness Falls [4.10]

Martin: I got a description of her clothes. Does it mean anything to you? Dress by Nicole Miller, shoes by Manolo Bl…Blah…Blahnik.
Elena: It's expensive in Italian. She's not poor, this girl.

Blood Out [4.11]

Danny: Family history can be a bitch.

Jack: D'you think you could use that warrior-like mind of yours to give us a description?

Jack: I'm torn between honouring the last wishes of a crazy old man and giving him a last flying finger.

Jack: Why do you always do this?
Anne Cassidy: Do what?
Jack: Make a simple question complicated.
Anne: I'm a lawyer- I guess it comes with the training.

Patient X [4.12]

[A psychologist named Gina Hill vanishes.]

Gina Hill: [to her therapist] Hey, don't shrink the shrink.

Rage [4.13]

[The team investigates the disappearance of a middle school teacher, and find it connected with the plight of one of her students and her family's own dark past.]

[Claire hunter talks about the death of her mother at the hands of her father.]
Claire Hunter: That day, I saw her stand up to him for the first, and last, time. "It's okay Baby. Everythings going to be alright." Those are the last words she ever said to me.

[Vivian interrogates a female doctor.]
Vivian: You know, I can't stop thinking about that riddle...
Pamela Seaver: What riddle?
Vivian: You know the one- father and son are in a car, there's an accident and the father's killed. They take the son to the hospital, where the doctor takes one look at him, and says "I can't treat him, he's my son."
Pamela: The doctor was his mother.
Vivian: See, I got that, but a lot of people get stuck. They just assume that the doctor is a man. Just like how when we thought Ray was being abused, we thought it was his father- and not you.

Vivian: Don't shout at me Pamela. I don't like it.

Claire: [Crying] How can I miss someone I wanted dead for so long?

Odds or Evens [4.14]

[The team investigates the disappearance of a Soldier who was jailed for alledgedly raping a woman in Japan.]
Martin: [about a misspelling in a threatening note] You know, this is supposed to be y-o-u-apostrophe-r-e.
Sam: Ooh, Marty gets a gold star!
Martin: No, I'm just saying this note could have been written by someone who speaks english as a second language.
Elena: [sarcastically] Okay guys, I admit it, I wrote the note.

Elena: Does it get any easier?
Jack: Unfortunately yes.

The Stranger [4.15]

[Leah and her teenage son jokingly argue as she answers the door.]
Leah Robinson: Oh sure, fine, don't answer it.
Pete Robinson: It's not for me.
Leah: Yeah, well one day it will be and the beautiful girl standing on the other side of the door is getting sent home.
Pete: Fine, no grandchildren for you.

Elena: Okay, let me get this straight- Leah is a responsible, loving mother. How can she all of a sudden turn into a gun-toting affair-having crrrazy woman?
Vivian: [smiling] In my experience there can be a fine line between the two.

Danny: Looks like Ken got sloppy.
Jack: He got bored. That's the way most serial killers get caught.

[Vivian is going to go undercover as a woman from a shelter to get information.]
Vivian: I'll use my considerable charm- and a fair bit of deceit.

[Vivian is undercover]
Vivian: You wouldn't hurt your son.
Ken Robinson: [He steps up to her. Quietly.] You have no idea what I'd do.

Anne Cassidy: There is something...maybe I'm not very good at relationships, that's possible, and maybe I'm scared, that's certainly true. I don't know how to deal with this.
Jack: What do you want?
Anne: I don't know. [pauses] What do you want?
Jack: You. I want to be with you.
Anne: Even after today?
Jack: Today was just one of those bad work days, I think.
Anne: But you wanted me to trust you.
Jack: It would have been nice...but maybe next time.
Anne: Next time... Are you heading out?
Jack: Let me help you with that, it's pretty cold out.
Anne: Yeah.
Jack: You want me to wait back a bit so you can leave unobserved?
Anne: No. Let's go.
Jack: Let's go.

Check Your Head [4.17]

Rachel: What is wrong with you?
Jack: We don't have enough time to discuss that subject. What is wrong with you?
Rachel: I'm an agoraphobic.
Jack: You live 15 miles from here. You've got to be the world's worst agoraphobic. Look…the only reason that you're laying here is because you don't know how to tell your…your girlfriend that you like her.
Rachel: I've never been a lesbian. I don't know what to do.
Jack: I've never been a lesbian either. Well, I had this dream once. That's a different story. But look, I can't help you, okay?

The Road Home [4.18]

Samantha: Martin, do you have something you wanna tell me?
Martin: No.
Samantha: No?
Samantha: What are these? [picks up prescription bottle]
Martin: It's a prescription for my hip, okay?
Samantha:You got hurt over six months ago, you should be off these by now.
Martin: Yeah, but I also got hurt again and I've been in a lot of pain.
Samantha: Did you take these from her [Gina Hill's] house?
Martin: You know what, it's time for you to go.
Samantha: Did you take these from her house?
Martin: Look, just back off because this is none of your buisness.
Samantha: It is my business if you're stealing drugs from victim's homes!
Martin: Damn it, just stop!
Samantha: NO! This is a problem!
Martin: What do you want from me?
Samantha: I want you to let me help you.
Martin: I don't want your help. I don't need anybody's help, okay?
Samantha: Martin, just please, tell me how to help you.
Martin: I don't know Sam. I don't know.

Candy [5.2]

"Without a Trace: Candy (#5.2)" (2006)
Samantha: [when seeing Danny in his outfit] Hello, hey! Did someone forget to give me the casual Tuesday memo?
Danny Taylor: No... I'm going to the club... Undercover...
Samantha: O... oh...
John Michael 'Jack' Malone: Do they make those jackets for men?

911 [5.3]

[discussing what had happened previously at the strip club]
Danny:Elena I'm cool.
Elena:OK, I'm cool too.
Danny:Yeah but I'm supercool.
Elena:I'm supercool too.

Baggage [6.04]

[Martin is deciphering the coded notebook of an undercover cop]
Martin: It's just a simple mnemonic code.
Sam: That's a big word for one lil' code.


  • Anthony LaPaglia - Jack Malone
  • Poppy Montgomery - Samantha Spade
  • Marianne Jean-Baptiste - Vivian Johnson
  • Enrique Murciano - Danny Taylor
  • Eric Close - Martin Fitzgerald
  • Roselyn Sanchez - Elena Delgado [Season 4-]
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